Alternative substrate, organic waste, forest seedling productionAbstract
The use of renewable material in the production of forest seedlings has gained great importance in the national and international scenario, due to the ease and low production costs. However, as substrate directly affects seedling quality, much work has been done to provide alternative substrates for seedling production in the forest. The objective of this work was to verify the production of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) seedlings with different substrate formulations based on carbonized rice husk. The experiment was conducted under a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications with 3 observations per repetition. Soil, sand and carbonized rice husk (CAC) were used to formulate five substrates in the proportions: T1: 100% soil; T2: 50% CAC + 50% soil; T3: 75% CAC + 25% soil; T4: 75% soil + 25% CAC; T5: 50% sand + 50% CAC. Data were collected from shoot height (H) and neck diameter (DC). ANOVA was performed, and when significant (p <0.05) the Tukey test, both at the 5% level of significance. For the results, it was observed that the addition of different carbonized rice husk (CAC) concentrations as a sand conditioner had a positive effect on the development of S. macrophylla seedlings. The treatment that provided satisfactory results for seedling growth and development was a mixture of 50% CAC and 50% sand. Therefore, it concludes that the carbonized rice husk may be recommended for use in Mogno (S. macrophylla) seedling production.
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