Realidade, Emergência e Avaliação no PHG:
Palestra de Selma Ciornai para o Grupo de Estudos Revisitando Caminhos em Gestalt-terapia
This work presents the central points delivered by speaker Selma Ciornai on September 12, 2024, as part of the study group "Revisiting Paths in Gestalt Therapy," promoted by the Brazilian Association of Gestalt Therapy. The lecture addressed Chapter 4 of the book Gestalt Therapy (PHG), focusing on the notions of reality, emergence, and evaluation in the therapeutic context. Ciornai explored organismic self-regulation and contact interruptions, using the metaphors of the "little elephant" and the "selfish giant" to illustrate behavioral patterns that hinder healthy adaptation to the environment. The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation was discussed, highlighting the importance of internal validation for the effectiveness of the therapeutic process. Another relevant point was the consideration of extended fields and transgenerational inheritances, which influence individuals' self-regulation by perpetuating emotional blockages. The emergence of hidden Gestalt was presented as a central therapeutic goal, promoting the patient’s genuine expression and integration.
Keywords: Gestalt therapy, organismic self-regulation, emergence, intrinsic evaluation, therapeutic experiments.