Perception of changes caused by the Pacific Road in the border between Brazil and Peru.


  • Mônica da Silva Nunes Universidade Federal do Acre


Social perception, border areas, International highway


In this study, we analyzed the perception of changes caused by the construction of the Pacific road (connecting Brazil, Peru and Bolivia to the Pacific Ocean) among the inhabitants of Assis Brasil (Brazil) and Iñapari (Peru), two neighboring cities in the border between Brazil and Peru. About 108 subjects were interviewed using a questionnaire with both qualitative and quantitative questions, applied by Brazilian and Peruvian researchers in order to minimize cultural differences. Our study showed different perceptions about the changes fostered by the road in each city in some topics, while in other the same opinion was shared. The paved road was perceived as the reason for better local commerce, improved quality and variety of food and increased violence and drug traffic.


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