Volumetric yield coefficient for timber species obtained in sawmills of Acre
The objective of this work was to determinate the Coefficient of Volumetric Yield (CVY) for the conversion of logs into sawnwood for 23 timber species from Acre. The data were obtained from four sawmills of the region, located in the municipalities of Porto Acre, Sena Madureira and Rio Branco, from which a sample of 1,200 logs was collected, being that the minimum sampling per species was of 30 logs. For the determination of the CVY, the logs were cubed by the Smalian method before being unfolded, and all the products generated by each log were measured and accounted for, following the methodology proposed by Conama Resolution 411/2009. The mean CVY for the 23 species was 55.53%, higher than that determined by Conama Resolution 474/2016, which established an overall CVY of 35%. The specie that presented the highest yield was Amburana acreana, with 74.09%, and the specie with the lowest yield was Aspidosperma vargasii with 46.39%.