Fish farming estimates in the state of Rondônia
This study aimed to collect data on spatial organization and estimates of the number of fish farms and volume of fish production and expectations for the post-Covid-19 crisis scenario. This study was prepared based on data provided by the Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura (MPA) through the Superintendência Federal de Pesca e Aquicultura de Rondônia, by the Agência de Defesa Sanitária Agrosilvopastoril do Estado de Rondônia (IDARON) and by the Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Ambiental do Estado de Rondônia (SEDAM). The agglomeration of fish farms in Rondônia has two dependencies, the BR 364 highway and the availability of water, and in relation to this the largest agglomeration is located in the Centro-Leste Microregion (of Ji-paraná), however, these are largely majority family-based, while the largest water depth areas are located in the Vale do Jamari Microregion (of Ariquemes). According to SEDAM, 4,308 is the number of fish farms in Rondônia state, while 6,764 fish farms is the estimate made in the current study. Regarding the number of family fish farms, 6,155 fish farms is the estimate by Gotardi (2023) and 5,594 is the estimate by Soares (2021). Regarding estimates of the volume of fish production, for the year 2019 Peixe BR estimated 68,800 thousand tons, IBGE estimated 31,199 thousand tons, SEDAM estimated 20,855 tons and in the curret study estimated 53,438 tons. And, for the year 2022, Peixe BR estimated a fish production of 57,200 tons and in the current study estimated 35,731 tons.