Physical attributes of the soil after ten years of timber harvesting in a forest concession in the South-Western Amazon indicate compaction
The article evaluates the physical atributes of the soil in different periods after the end of exploratory activities in sustainable forest management. The study was carried out in Forest Management Units III and IV in the Jamari National Forest/RO. Two Annual Production Units (UPA) were studied at different periods of exploitation (2011 and 2022). In each UPA, a secondary road was chosen at random and soil was collected along this road in 10 stockyards, as well as 20 meters from the stockyard, on the secondary road and points of forest without influence in UMF III. The samples were sent to the Soil Laboratory at the Federal University of Rondônia for evaluation of the physical attributes. The soil texture varied from sandy loam to sandy clay loam, indicating soils susceptible to compaction. The average bulk density ranged from 1.27³ for the forest without influence to 1.67³ for the patios, the particle density ranged from 2.60 to 2.99³, and the total porosity was close for all the situations evaluated. Finally, the soil's physical properties were altered by forestry activities and were noticeable even after ten years of logging.