Fritz Haber and chemical equilibrium: an experience report


  • Eduarda Boing Pinheiro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Keysy Solange Costa Nogueira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Fernanda Luiza de Faria Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



This experience report presents the results of a didactic experience in the field school of the Supervised Curriculum Internship (ECS), in which it was proposed to develop the Teaching of Chemistry through a historical perspective. Thus, classes were implemented involving the feats of scientist Fritz Haber and the content of chemical equilibrium. In the planning, the para-didactic book “The disappearing spoon” was adopted and as strategies a video and a demonstrative experiment were chosen. To assess the students' learning, it was proposed that the students performed the construction of images that represented the chemical equilibrium. Classes were implemented in three classes of the 2nd year of high school at a public school, in chemistry classes, as an activity of the ECS discipline. In the results, it was identified that the students got involved and appreciated the historical approach, as well as the experiment and evaluation, as they remained attentive to the explanations and showed commitment in the development of activities. Furthermore, it is considered from the images constructed by the students that they were able to understand the concepts developed in the class, such as the reversibility of reactions. This didactic experience inspired the construction of a case study involving the theme and the History of Science.

