History of science in higher education: a study of chemistry undergraduates' conceptions about the construction of the periodic table


  • Rodrigo Da Vitória Gomes Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ana Nery Furlan Mendes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Joanez Aparecida Aires Universidade Federal do Paraná




In this work, we present and discuss the results of a study that aimed to investigate the conceptions of undergraduates in Chemistry at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Campus São Mateus, about the History of Science. The methodology involved conducting a discursive questionnaire with 12 undergraduates in Chemistry. The results show little elaborated understandings about the construction of scientific knowledge, specifically about the periodic table over time, in addition to a great difficulty in using the History of Science in Chemistry Teaching. The data obtained lead to important reflections on the inclusion of a subject of History of Chemistry in the curriculum of the Licentiate Degree in Chemistry at UFES-São Mateus, as well as the contribution of this theme in the training of science teachers.

