Letters to the other: perceptions about special and inclusive chemistry education


  • Antonio Aparecido Vital Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Alexandre Luiz Polizel Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Fabiana Gomes Instituto Federal de Goiás
  • Cristiane Beatriz Dal Bosco Rezzadori Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná




The thinking of undergraduates in chemistry regarding discussions on education for inclusions can be treated as a curricular issue because the very idea of ​​curriculum refers to a path to be followed in this process of becoming a teacher. This work aims to raise and present the perceptions of undergraduates in Chemistry at UTFPR – Campo Mourão about special and inclusive education in chemistry. Narrative research was used as an investigative compass so that this group of students could, from the writing of a letter, talk about the meanings they attribute to special and inclusive education in chemistry. The analytics took place in a hybrid way, based on a Freirian narrative and hermeneutics analysis. The points of similarity in relation to the perceptions of these students were organized into five perspectives that demonstrate the potential to understand the construction of this curriculum, in particular, the reproduction of knowledge and ways of being and thinking.

