Memories, sensations and expectations: inclusive education in chemistry from the perspective of undergraduates


  • Fabiana Gomes Instituto Federal de Goiás
  • Alexandre Luiz Polizel Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Cristiane Beatriz Dal Bosco Rezzadori Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná



Inclusive school curriculum and their education echo cordiality, differentiation and diversities as formative constructs of potency, which do not fit into an education of norms. The principle of the diverse is the basis for thinking about modern and contemporary education. This manuscript emerges from the cordial concern with other chemical educations, aiming to outline considerations about the memories, sensibilities and expectations of undergraduates in chemistry towards inclusive education. For this purpose, the writing of a short story with memories features was proposed. The investigation of the students' narrative sought to access the subjects' thoughts and the way they composed, compose and would compose other possible realities. We see, expressed in the students' narratives, a sense of hope marked by the proposition of education that operationalizes care for the other in an affective way, that cast glances of cordiality among everyone, students, teachers and family members.

