Factors that promote satisfactory experiences in supervised internships in the view of chemistry undergraduates


  • Alexandre Leite da Silva Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Maisa Helena Altarugio Universidade Federal do ABC




This research aimed to investigate how factors related to the school, the advisor and the supervisor can promote satisfactory experiences in supervised internships, in the view of a group of eleven students of the chemistry degree course at a public university in São Paulo at different moments during the course. This is a case study, with a qualitative approach, whose information were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed based in national and international researchers who develop works about these topics. The results revealed in the view of the undergraduates, the contribution of each these factors and training agents and the need for greater articulation between them in promoting satisfactory experiences. This research focus becomes relevant since it points out important aspects of the environment and guidance work in this crucial stage of teacher education.

