Atomic models and the 3D printer: proposal for the inclusion of visually impaired students in chemistry teaching


  • Katharine Coimbra Toledo Universidade Estadual de Roraima
  • Ivanise Maria Rizzatti Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



Despite legislation guiding the inclusion of students with disabilities in classrooms, there is still a lack of didactic material adapted for them in different subjects, such as chemistry, especially for students with visual impairments. In this context, this article investigated the pedagogical potential of atomic models adapted for visually impaired students built using a 3D printer. The atomic models were evaluated by two teachers and a visually impaired student regularly enrolled in a public school in Boa Vista, Roraima. The didactic materials developed had the potential to contribute to the teaching of atomic structure content for visually impaired students, which does not exclude normovisual students. Besides being support material for chemistry teachers.

