Citizen science - bird checklist in an agroecological background and surroundings, APA Igarapé São Francisco, Rio Branco/AC


  • Neuza Teresinha Boufleuer Bióloga, Mestre em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Rio Branco, Acre
  • Cristina Maria Batista de Lacerda Engenheira Florestal, Mestre em Ciências Florestais,, Rio Branco, Acre
  • Carlos Edegard de Deus Universidade Federal do Acre



Backyards are one of the oldest forms of land use management. These systems consist of a combination of trees, shrubs, herbs, sometimes associated with small domestic animals, growing close to the residence. This article aims to show the checklist of the visitation of birds in one of the agroecological backyards of the urban area of the APA Igarapé São Francisco and its surroundings (permanent preservation area of the igarapé), located in the Procon district of the city of Rio Branco, Acre, whose trees fruit and fruit put in the feeder attract these species. The “birdwatching” method was followed, whose activity is seen as citizen science. 50 bird species were preliminarily identified, in 26 families. It is evident that bird watching is a pleasant, stimulating and contagious activity, which can be used as an effective strategy for maintaining urban green spaces, as well as for formal and non-formal Environmental Education. Despite having an important ecological function and conserving regional biodiversity, guaranteeing the genetic variability of many species of fauna and flora, these backyards, as traditional subsistence-oriented agricultural systems, are dismantling and losing space.




