Research of zoonotic enteroparasites of the genre Ancylostoma spp. and Toxocara sp. in dog's feces collected in public locations of the 1st district of the city of Rio Branco-AC


  • Felipe Aparecido de Alencar
  • Leonardo Nunes de Queiroz
  • Sara Kesia da Silva Uchôa
  • Hemeson Lira de Moura


It is no new that dogs have a fundamental role in society, from therapies for treatment of disorders and diseases to guarding of homes and security. However, domestic and wandering dogs that don’t undergo adequate treatment are linked directly to zoonotic transmissions, and they are the final hosts of some parasites. Considering this, the present work sought to evaluate the presence of parasites with zoonotic potential in feces of dogs collected in public recreation and leisure places of Rio Branco. Eighty samples were analyzed using spontaneous sedimentation method (Hoffman) and flotation in saturated solution of NaCl (Willis-Mollay), obtaining positivity in 47.5% of cases. Among the parasites found in the positive samples were: Ancylostoma  spp. (78.9%), Toxocara sp. (13.1%), Ascaris sp. (2.6%) and Trichuris  sp. (44.7%). The presence of parasites with zoonotic potential in the analyzed samples indicates the need to adopt prevention, control and treatment measures of infected animals, since Ancylostoma  spp. and Toxocara sp. cause diseases such as Larva Migrans Cutanea and Larva Migrans Visceral.




